Great course. Loved the patient videos and lab time. Liked the tips for evaluation process, thinking through change in treatments. Feel I can take these new skills and use them in the clinic on Monday!

Loved the course! Thanks for the new way to look at and treat (difficult) patients!

Speaker is very personable, keeps the course content interesting & easy to understand. All course content is applicable to all patients.

On Sunday, I decided to try some of the new techniques on my 84 year- old dad who will be having his knee replaced in 8 weeks. He's nowhere near being able to do a " dipping bird", but I did do some foot mobs and some balance exercises in the transverse plane ( as well as some of my more traditional exercises ) and I was AMAZED at the difference it made in his gait, balance , and posture. My mom just looked at him walking and said, " It's almost like a miracle!" Well, I save that word for different things, but he was thrilled with the changes he was able to see and feel after the treatment.
When I returned to work today on Tuesday, I tried some of the foot mobs on my 93 year old patient who has been in the hospital for about 6 weeks, and thus far has only been able to walk for 6 feet with his primary PTA. I saw him for his weekly PT visit and I'm not kidding- he walked 101' and 140' with a RW and min assist for the first time today! Needless to say, it made both of our days! His balance and confidence in walking was dramatically different! WOW! I'm a believer!

Very informative course. Gave a different perspective on treating patients. Will go back and try these techniques.

This was such a great course! I feel like I'm walking away with a lot more "tools" to treat the "difficult" patient. Very well organized & easy to understand! Thank you so much!!!

This course was extremely unique, in a way in which it involved relevant eval, objective measures, and tx/reassessment. Too many courses I have taken have not been clinically relevant compared to this one (esp for outpatient ortho). There were great ways (demonstrations) how to incorporate things from this course into a regular 1 hr tx session.

Loved it - So clinically relevant - Will put this to use on Monday!

One of the best courses I've been to in awhile. Good Stuff!