Decoding Dysfunction: A Practical & Functional Approach to Difficult Diagnoses (Level 1)
Decoding Dysfunction emphasizes an evidence-based approach to evaluation and treatment of common orthopedic conditions related to core weakness and the resultant breakdown of the kinetic chain. Traditional exercises are generally helpful in about 80% of foot, knee, back and shoulder pathologies, but what do you do with the other 20%? Anita Davidson PT will present a practical, biomechanical approach to restoring pain free function. By balancing mobility with stability, we can achieve core competency and successful outcomes in hard-to-resolve cases.
The participant will come away with easy-to-use assessment skills, treatment plans, manual techniques, and specific tri-plane exercises which can immediately be incorporated into any clinical repertoire. This dynamic, lab based course will challenge current views of “difficult” patient cases and how to treat them. In this practical course, the participant will gain an expanded view of evaluating and treating using a cause and effect methodology.

This course will provide 16 continuing education units for Illinois and Indiana based physical therapists by their respective Physical Therapy Associations. Satisfies the requirements for 16 professional continuing education units as required for state liscensure in Iowa.
Host Us:
Decoding Dysfunction - Level 1 Info
Friday 8am - 5pm
(registration at 7:30am)
Saturday 8am - 5 pm